luni, 2 ianuarie 2017

5 am thought 2 ian 2017 - Living with purpose

Unii oameni danseaza in moment.
Exista oameni care se misca cu sens.

Sensurile mari, le avem cu totii: Copilul catre parinti, Tanarul catre lume, barbatul catre femeie si femeia catre barbat, individul catre comunitate, omul catre Dumnezeu. Unii le-au pierdut sau si le-au amanat, le-au suspendat. Dar ele sunt acolo.

Astea nu sunt vremuri sa traiesti fara sens!
In preajma oamenilor care traiesc fara scop, se vor gasi in permanenta altiii care sa ii puna sa munceasca pentru obiectivele lor.
Sa ne gasim sensul si sa muncim cu pasiune si bucurie pentru el!

“I am your friend reminding you how to live your life as a gift from God!”


Some people are dancing in the moment.
There are other people who move themselves with purpose.

Great meanings of life, we all have them: The child toward parents, the young toward the world, man to woman and woman to man, the individual to the community, man toward God.

Some have lost or have postponed, suspended them. But these directions are there, inside everyone.

These are not times to live without sense!
Around people who live without purpose there will be other people who put them to work for their goals.
Let find our own purpose and passionately work to achieve it! We find, thereby, our fulfilment as humans!

“I am your friend reminding you how to live your life as a gift from God!”

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