Afara totul este alb.
Informatia pe care o transmite acest alb este atat de puternica!
Are puterea sa aseze intr-un anume fel mintile a milioane de oameni. Doar privindu-l. Alb si Frig.
Impactul mediului fizic asupra omului pare de inteles: Te loveste ceva si iti modifica o structura fizica.
Dar ceea ce doar se vede? Ce se aude?
Impactul poate fi infinit mai mare!!
Sunt acolo resorturi si energii puternice care vin din nimic, din infiniitii mici.
Vibratii fine cu materialitate fina sau fara materie, daca vorbim despre lumina, de exemplu.
Nu este fascinant?
Este un miracol!!
Cum putem trai inconjurati de atatea neintelesuri? Cu mecanisme de simplificare. Stergem, Generalizam, Distorsionam. Ce ramane procesam, stocam, construim modalitati de intelegere a lumii si de operare a intelesurilor.
Ce minune este omul asta!
Cat de minunata trebuie sa fie si lumea de dincolo de timp!
P.S. Ce am transmis aici este nimic! Lumina! Asezata intr-un fel. Pe foarte putini din cei care o vor vedea ii va trimite in alta lume!
Outside everything is white.
The information that transmit this white is so strong!
It has the power to program in a certain way the minds of millions of people. Just by looking at it. White and Cold.

But what about you just see?
What about you just heard?
The impact can be infinitely greater !!
There are strong resorts and powerful energies that come from nothing, from the small infinite. Fine vibrations with fine materiality, or without having substance, if we talk about light, for example.
It is not so fascinating?
It's a miracle !!
How can we live surrounded by so many NOT-understandings? - Equipped with mechanisms to simplify the information: We delete, generalize, distorsion information. What remains, we process, store, we build ways of understanding the world and we operate on its meanings.
What miracle is this man!
How wonderful must be the world beyond the time, too!
P.S. What I forwarded here is nothing! Light! Placed in a way. Just on very few of you who will see it, will send your mind in another world!
“I am your friend reminding you how to live your life as a gift from God!”
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