vineri, 23 decembrie 2016

Stiinta omului - 5 am thought 23 dec 2016

“Daca observ 10 minute o mama cu copilul ei, imi dau seama de toate greselile pe care le face mama si stiu cum va evalua copilul in timp!”

Am auzit odata lucrul acesta la sotia mea.

Ea este omul, dintre toti pe care ii cunosc, cu cea mai dezvoltata stiinta a omului. Si-a dezvoltat-o in viata ei de dinainte de mine, de noi. Apoi si-a desavarsit-o in cei aproape cinci ani de a fi insarcinata si cei peste douazeci de ani de crescut copii si de comunicat profund cu ei, cu nevoile si sensibilitatile lor. 

S-a conectat cu foarte multi oameni, are o atentie si un interes real pentru destinele lor. Ii intelege, le intelege modul de a gandi si de a actiona, le intuieste miscarile si evolutiile in ani. Este un fel profund de charisma care vine din experienta si din desavarsirea unei abilitati.

Am vazut-o in procese de coaching in care in 10 minute a dat totul la o parte si a aratat ceea ce ar fi urmat sa fie descoperit in ore, zile, saptamani. Am vazut oameni in lacrimi si cu ochii mari in fata propriei realitati ignorate pana atunci.


Nu o expun pe ea, ma expun pe mine.
Am auzit si am citit multe lucruri de plastic in ultima vreme. 
Le-am uitat.
Am retinut doar ceea ce Oameni generosi au lasat sa se vada din ei.

Tot ce am construit eu in toata viata mea, in toata lumea mea, a fost muncit, fortat, impins. La ea totul curge. Ma inchin ei si ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu pentru sansa de a fi omul cu care petrece si petrec cel mai mult timp.

Nu este o pledoarie pentru genialitate.
Este un indemn la munca si la cautarea de modele pentru oamenii ca mine. 
Munca cu sens implineste.


Acesta este secretul meu de pret, darul meu pentru oameni, in preajma Craciunului, momentul in care Dumnezeu s-a dat pe El insusi oamenilor.


"If I saw 10 minutes a mother with her child, I become fully aware of all mistakes she makes, and I know how the child will evolve over time.”

I once heard this thing said by my wife.

She is the person, from all the people I know, with the most developed science of people's lives. She has developed this art in her life before me, before us. Then she perfected it in almost five years of being pregnant and over twenty years of growing children and communicate deeply with them, with their needs and sensibilities.

She was connected with many people. Has a genuine interest and attention for their destinies. She understands them, understands their way of thinking and acting, predicts their movements and developments over years. It's a kind of charisma that comes from deep experience in life and from the perfection of specific skills.

I saw her in coaching processes, where, in ten minutes, she gave everything aside and showed what it was supposed to be revealed in hours, days, weeks. I saw people in tears and large eyes, in front of their own realities ignored until then.

I do not expose her, I expose myself.
Lately, I heard and read many plastic things.
I have forgotten them.
I remember only what generous people have left me to see of their being.

Everything I built in my life, in my whole world, has been worked hard, forced, pushed. 

With her, everything flows. 

I bow her! And thank God for the chance to be the person with whom she spends and I spend the most time.


It is not a pleading for genius.
It is an urge to work and looking for models for people like me.
Meaningful work fulfills. 

This is my precious secret and my gift for people, now, when Christmas comes, when God has given Himself to people.

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