Atunci cand oamenii vorbesc liber despre lucruri care sunt importante in mod profund pentru ei, aceasta conversatie se petrece intr-o atmosfera plna de emotie.
Prezenta emotiei inseamna importanta, deschidere, profunzime. autenticitate, generozitate.
Cand cineva devine pasionat, sau furios din cauza unei nedreptati, asta nu inseamna ca este mental instabil. Este doar o fiinta umana care are o reactie umana.
Emotia este semn de normalitate a functionarii fiintei umane. Ascunderea ei, negarea sau trairea in adancurile nevazute, genereaza probleme.
Sa exprimam emotia in dialogurile noastre, ramanand conectati la universul celuilalt, ca semn al generozitatii, apropierii si mai ales al celebrarii vietii.
“I am your friend reminding you how to live your life as a gift from God!”
When people talk freely about things that are deeply important to them, this conversation happen in an atmosphere full of emotions.
This emotion means importance, opening, profoundness, authenticity, generosity.
When someone gets passionate or angry about an injustice, does not mean he is mentally unstable. It's just a human being having a human reaction.
Emotions are a sign of normal functioning of the human being. Hiding them, denial or feeling in the depths unseen, could cause problems.
Let to express emotion in our dialogues, remaining connected to the other world, as a sign of generosity, proximity and, especially, of the celebration of life.
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