duminică, 1 ianuarie 2017


1 ianuarie este ziua Sfantului Vasile cel Mare. Cand incep anul cu puterea moliftelor lui, le simt ancora puternica, am curajul si bucuria de a face parte dintr-o constructie cu sens. Altfel m-as pulveriza in absurd, in neinteles.

Schimbarea de reper intre bucuria trecerii intre ani si Dumnezeu  pare greu de facut daca omul traieste in schizofrenie, schimband planurile unor realitati paralele: 
      • acum este vorba despre job, cariera sau business, 
      • acum ne punem palaria de viata privata, 
      • duminica este pentru Dumnezeu. 

Un lucru nu poate fi 
      • intr-un fel din punct de vedere al nevoi de a castiga bani si a trai, 
      • intr-un fel din punct de vedere “intelectual” 
      • in altfel din punct de vedere “spiritual”. 
Viata este intreaga si fireasca atunci cand, asemeni poporului lui Israel, istoria laica si cea divina sunt una si aceeasi.


January 1st is the day of St. Basil the Great. When I start the year with the power of the prayers of St. Basil, I feel their strong anchor, I have the courage and joy of being part of a meaningful construction. Otherwise I would be pulverised into absurd, into incomprehensible.

Changing the landmark between "the joy of transition between years" and God seems difficult to do if the person is living in schizophrenia, constantly changing the plans of his parallel realities:
        • Now it's job, career or business,
        • Now we put our hat of our private lives 
        • Sunday it is for God.

One thing can not be 
        • in a way “in terms” of our need to earn money and live 
        • in a way “in terms” of "intellectual" 
        • different “in terms” of “spiritual".

Life is whole and natural when, like the people of Israel, secular history and divine history are one and the same.

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