joi, 5 ianuarie 2017

5 am thought 5 ian 2016 - Ardere

Some people want major changes in their environment without making profound transformations themselves.

It is like you ask to be warm in the house without building the windows, and without without making stove.
Even if it were possible, they would lose the essence of things: Not the heat is important, which eventually is a temperature level that the body adjust, but the fascination and joy of the fire counts. The burning.

In the last days of his life, Bogdan was saying to a patient who was lying in his hospital bed, coming after a successful operation:
            - After my first surgery, I thought I could get back to the life I had before. Wrong! Be careful that God has allowed this disease to you for a reason! The reason of your change.

Transforming a person, it is fascinating. It has fine mechanisms. Leverage comes from small changes. When the other wants just to be your patient, however, the metamorphosis does not occur. Both of us must burn!


Unii oameni vor schimbari majore in mediului lor de viata fara sa faca ei insisi transformari profunde.

Este ca si cum te-ai ruga sa iti fie cald in casa fara sa iti pui ferestre si sa iti faci soba.
Chiar daca ar fi posibil, ei ar pierde esenta lucrurilor: Nu atat caldura, care pana la urma este un nivel de temperatura cu care organismul se obisnuieste, cat fascinatia si bucuria focului conteaza. Arderea.

In ultimele zile ale lui, Bogdan ii povestea unui bolnav pe patul de spital care venea dupa o operatie reusita:
- Dupa prima operatie am crezut ca ma intorc la starea de dinainte. Greseam! Ai grija ca Dumenzeu ti-a ingaduit boala asta cu un scop! Al schimbarii.

Transformarea unui om este fascinanta. Are mecanisme fine. Efectul de parghie vine din schimbari marunte. Cand celalt vrea sa fie doar pacient, insa, metamorfoza nu se produce. Trebuie sa ardem amandoi!

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