Povestile oamenilor.
Ni se lipesc de suflet ca marca de scrisoare.
Oamenii confunda adesea povestea lor cu identitatea lor.
Povestile personale sunt scrise pe creiere, pe suflete.
De cele mai multe ori, scriitorul povestii este unul colectiv.
Mama si tata scriu primii. De obicei, unul dintre ei scrie mai apasat. Se imprima adanc!
Scrie prima iubita, scriu profesorii, scrie succesul, scriu infrangerile, scriu bucuriile. Si uite asa, pana sa ne dam seama, HARTA este deja scrisa.
Restul vietii nu facem decat sa ne recitam propria harta mentala.
Adesea, intr-adevar, povestea omului este mai puternica decat propria persoana!
Oamenii triesc povestile parintilor, ale prietenilor, ale vecinilor, cele pe care si le fabrica singuri…
Ele se cheama povesti de succes, povestea vietii mele, telenovelas, femeia vietii mele, barbatul pe care nu l-am avut, o femeie face cariera, copiii mei - viata mea, eu nu am avut noroc in viata, viata bate filmul, omul providential al vietii mele, capul face capul trage…
Este cea mai frumoasa aventura in care am intrat. Separ povestile de oameni. Ce ramane este frumos, limpede, curajos, bun!
Este cel mai mare dar cu care ne-am nascut ca oameni intregi: acela de a ne crea destinul, de a ne lucra mantuirea!
Va urez ca anul care vine sa fie anul desprinderii de vechea poveste!
Sa ramaneti o vreme fara nicio poveste, in bucurie simpla, in esenta!
Apoi, daca tineti cu tot dinadinsul, alegeti-va singuri povestea!
La multi ani, va urez cu prietenie si smerenie!
“I am your friend reminding you how to live your life as a gift from God!”
The stories of people.
They stick to the soul like the stamp to the letter.
People often confuse their story with their identity.
Personal stories are written on the brain, on the soul.
Most often, the writer of the story is a collective one.
Mom and Dad write first. One of them, usually, writes more powerful. It prints deep!
Writes our first love. Our teachers write. Writes success, write defeats, the joys write.
And so … until realizing, MAP is already written.
The rest of our lives we only recite our own mental map.
Often, indeed, the human story is stronger than the self!
People live the stories of their parents, friends, neighbors, the stories they manufacture themselves ...
They call them:
success stories,
the story of my life,
the woman of my life,
the man that I never had,
a woman makes career,
my children - my life,
I had no luck in my life,
life beats the movie,
providential man of my life
my happy life…
It is the most beautiful adventure I entered. I separate stories from people. What remains is beautiful, clear, courageous, good!
It is the greatest gift with which we were born: to create our own destiny, to work on our own salvation!
I wish you this coming new year to be the year of the old story detachment.
To remain a while with no story in simple joy, in essence.
Then, if you want, by all means, choose your story yourselves!
I wish you, with friendship and humbleness, a happy new year, a happy new story!