Definitorie pentru om este natura preocuparilor sale.In importanta pe care o da lucrurilor, slabiciunea pentru unele, indiferenta pentru altele sta secretul fericirii sau nefericirii sale. Lipsa perspectivei detasate asupra acestora il poate face sclav orb al detaliilor care ii vor sufoca astfel viata.Frumusetea launtrica a unui om este data de gandurile pe care le poarta in fiecare moment cu el.Acestea i se reflecta ca o haina lumninoasa sau dimpotriva pe chip!
sâmbătă, 18 iunie 2016
luni, 13 iunie 2016
Pot sa sublimez absolutul in metafora
Darul acesta… imi da vecinatatea ingerilor tacuti
Canta cocosul lui Gica
si mi apasa gheara in piept
Simt cum ma desfac in o mie de universuri intrepatrunse
pana le aud simfonia scalelor
pentru o secunda alunec in infinitii mici
atat de mici…
incat daca nu ar fi cocosul lui Gica sa ma tina strans cu gheara pe inima
m-as topi sub caldura acestui NEINTELES
duminică, 12 iunie 2016
duminică, 5 iunie 2016
After nine days I let the horse run free
Cause the desert had turned to sea
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
There was sand and hills and rings
The ocean is a desert with it's life underground
And a perfect disguise above
Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
But the humans will give no love
You see I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain
Cause the desert had turned to sea
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
There was sand and hills and rings
The ocean is a desert with it's life underground
And a perfect disguise above
Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
But the humans will give no love
You see I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain
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